Buying any designer bag can be a stressful process, but even more so if you’re splashing the cash and spending a lot of money on a Hermès handbag. Hermès are one of the most credible designer brands and can offer customers a luxury like no other. However, they don’t come cheap.
All Hermès bags are made to the highest standards. This means that the £5,000 Evelyn bag will still be of the same quality as the £50,000 Birkin. The price difference between the two bags comes from the lack of availability of the Birkin, not the quality.
Hermès-hungry customers often weigh up the primary function of their potential new handbag before buying. There’s a lot of decisions to make. Start by thinking about what you’re wanting to carry in your bag. Is it a laptop, a purse, a makeup bag? Will you use this bag for travel, perhaps as a carry-on for the flight? Will you use this bag in a work environment, where it will need to look more professional? All these questions are definitely something to think about before splurging on any designer bag.
The great thing about Hermès bags is that they are designed for everyone. They are completely individual depending on what you want from your bag. That’s what makes them so desirable.
What is the most popular Hermès bag?
The timeless and extremely exclusive Birkin bag is unsurprisingly the most popular Hermès handbag. The Birkin bag has been photographed in the hands of the uber-rich only – Kim Kardashian and Victoria Beckham are said to be both avid fans of Hermès’ Birkin bag. The famous Birkin bag oozes luxury and certainly makes a statement thanks to its exclusivity and use of costly animal skins in the design of the bag.
How do I order my first Birkin bag?
To order your first Birkin, begin by doing your research and narrow down your style and colour preferences. Most first-time Hermès shoppers make the common mistake of bringing a photo of the desired bag into the store. But, refrain from doing this as it can actually decrease your chances of getting a Hermès bag referral. By memorising the name, style and colour of your chosen bag, you’re showing the sales assistant that you care about the brand and are serious about buying a Birkin.
You don’t always need to book an appointment at a Hermès store, but it’s advised. In-store, there will be many helpful sales assistants ready to discuss your Birkin choices.
Consider buying a second hand Birkin bag too. They’re easier to get hold of and they’re often slightly cheaper too. As there is only around 200,000 in circulation, the second-hand market is where most Birkin-buyers find their often long-awaited success. This is because the bags usually have no wait time on them and can find the exact colour and material you’re looking for.
Is there a waiting list for a Birkin bag?
The best way to get a Birkin bag is to select one store and make your ‘wish list’, stock varies depending on the individual store. Although, most new Birkin’s are only available to those who have had a referral or are already loyal customers. Be patient, finding the right style and colour Birkin bag can take months (or even years) to source.
What colour should my first Birkin be?
When buying your first Birkin, most people tend to opt for a more neutral colour. Versatility is key, so favoured colours are black, nude, brown and white. However, if you’re brave and like to make a statement, brighter-coloured Birkin bags actually appear more exclusive as they tend to be rarer. So if you do want to stand out from the crowd, add a pop of colour to your outfit and opt for a bright pink or red.
What is the cheapest Hermès bag?
The cheapest Hermeès bag is the Zip Herbag. Previously discontinued in the mid-2000s, it was brought back in 2009 under a different name – the Herbag Zip. This bag does look very similar to the Kelly bag. The bag is made out of canvas, meaning the Herbag Zip is designed for easy everyday use. If you want a staple Hermès piece, but you’re not quite ready to splash all your cash on a Birkin or Kelly bag, the price for a second hand Herbag Zip starts at around £1,500. New, it will set you back around £2,500.
1. Hermès handbags are a classic investment piece
Some have even dubbed the Hermès Birkin bags as a better investment than gold. If looked after and depending on style and colour, some Hermès bags can even resell for the same price or more than the initial retail price. The scarcity of the bags makes them a collector’s item, which explains why socialites like Jamie Chua own around 200 of them.
2. Choosing the right material
There are a lot of decisions to be made when choosing your first Hermès bag. The first decision begins with material. Think about the season you’re likely to use the bag in. As an example, if you think you’ll be most likely to use the bag in winter, then leather may be the best option for your bag. The last thing you want is for your bag to get ruined in the rain or snow outside.
3. Consider the size of the bag
Yes, size really does matter! Hermès offer a variety of sizes in most of their bags. In particular, their Birkin bags can range from 25cm to 55cm for their travel sizes. It really is up to you on this one, and it depends on how light you can pack or not.
4. Will your Hermès bag match or clash with your outfits?
Going back to what was mentioned before about buying your first Hermès in a colour that matches everything. Take into consideration what style of outfit you currently wear or will be wearing with your new Hermès addition. Check it matches the main colour in your wardrobe, that way you can get the most wear from your new bag.
5. Be mindful if you’re buying the bag as a gift
If you’re brave enough to buy a Hermès bag as a gift, you want to make sure the person will use the bag. There is nothing worse than having to return an unwanted gift. It might be a better idea to ask the gift recipient about their style and colour preferences before you go ahead and buy an expensive handbag in a colour they don’t like. I can’t imagine anyone wouldn’t want a Birkin as a gift though.
Weigh up your options
There are a lot of choices that must be made when it comes to buying your first Hermès bag. When you’re spending that much money, that’s always going to be the case because you just want it to be perfect. Hermès can definitely deliver perfection. If you can go the extra mile and afford a Birkin, then it’s a Hermès staple and is unlikely to go out of fashion.